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Former WWE Wrestler Doug Furnas passes away.

Razor_SharkRazor_Shark Posts: 12,604 balls deep
edited March 2012 in Off Topic
There are reports circulating online that former WWF star Doug Furnas passed away in his sleep Friday night. He was 50 years old.

The first report is from David Haskins, a Tennessee based wrestler. He said he received the information from Doug's brother Mike Furnas, who was also a wrestler.

Furnas was a college football player at the University of Tennessee who became one of the greatest powerlifters of all-time as he broke more than two dozen world records. He crossed over to professional wrestling in 1986 with Knoxville, Tennessee based promotion Continental Championship Wrestling, which led him to a career all over the world. Furnas was a fixture in All Japan Pro Wrestling with Phil Lafon (a/k/a Dan Kroffat) and the two were considered one of the best tag teams of the 1990s. Their supreme talent led to employment with the World Wrestling Federation and Extreme Championship Wrestling in the late 1990s. Furnas also worked for World Championship Wrestling in 1990 as a singles competitor.

Furnas had battled Parkinson's disease for a number of years. The degenerative disorder forced him to retire in 2000.


  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,947 spicy boy
    i feel for all these wrestlers dying so young. i wish i could say modern wrestlers learned from their mistakes, but i know a couple and they're roided and coked up to the gills
  • monicaamonicaa Posts: 7,109 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I feel like I should remember this person, but I don't. His name doesn't even sound familiar and I can't picture a face at all. RIP

    It's also sad that guys in physical sports die earlier in life and usually end up with some sort of drug addiction in their life. I blame it on these guys trying to numb their physical pain from all sorts of different injuries/body wear from all the physical requirements and contact. The NFL is a great example on the physical effects, drugs, and so on with these men
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    blaming it on physical wear is just an excuse IMO to be a drug addict...everyone gets old...and everyone who has worked a physical job most of there life has a body that hurts when they get out of can't blame drug use on your job.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    There really isn't much excuse for it but I get why they would. I've seen enough cases of retired NFL players who are in a shittier state then some 85 year olds. Especially the guys that have had multiple concussions. This kind of stuff cuts many years off your life and usually have to take 10-20 perscription drugs for various things. Most end up addicted to them in the long haul and sometimes by accident. After a while your body gets used to them and they don't work hardly at all anymore..which is why some go down a dark road to hard drugs to get rid of all that shit. Some pass away earlier on, some don't. And sure there's physical jobs you can have. But imo they don't compare to countless seasons of football or wrestling almost all year long for many many years.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    Yeah concussions are a different story...big reason i believe why so many nfl players die young. Iv had several concussions in my life...they sucks balls...i can't even head bang any more with out get an almost instant horrible lucky that being at a show usually gives me enough adrenalin to forget about this lol. But as far as pain killers go, taking them is your own dicision. You know the risks of taking them...if you have an addictive personality you should know yous shouldn't be taking should just smoke weed lol
  • Razor_SharkRazor_Shark Posts: 12,604 balls deep
    What a lot of people don't know is that Wrestling isn't like Football where you play once a week, there are countless live shows, sometimes 5 or 6 a week, so you don't get to see your family either, which must be very hard on them and could be another reason for drug abuse.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Problem is, they go to their doctor and they prescribe them to em. Since they trust their doctors they'll take them. And everyone has an addictive personality in some way, so anyone can end up addicted to prescription drugs if you don't watch. I've had a few friends that have and when they realized was too late. Took one of my friends 2 years to get off xanax her doctor prescribed to her. She now tells everyone to never take any, no matter what
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    Yeah iv went to the doctor and had prescriptions given to me that i refused to take because i hate taking pills period...i just don't like the idea of being dependent on rather deal with the pain
  • Razor_SharkRazor_Shark Posts: 12,604 balls deep
    Well the WWE has actually done a lot to put a stop to that, now if they take Somas, Xanax, or even Synthetic Marijuana in any form, even if perscribed, and they fail a drug test it is a 30 day suspension. Weed is actually a 5,000 dollar fine.

    Example, Evan Bourne is serving a 60 day suspension right now because he tested positive for Synthetic Marijuana twice.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    xanax is some gooooood shit
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