On this website I used to go on all the time when I was like 11 or 12 my username was xrazorlightxxx, amd Razorlight is actually a pretty bad band that I used to liked one song by, but anyway. Everyone called me Razor for short and it's stuck ever since.
On this website I used to go on all the time when I was like 11 or 12 my username was xrazorlightxxx, amd Razorlight is actually a pretty bad band that I used to liked one song by, but anyway. Everyone called me Razor for short and it's stuck ever since.
On this website I used to go on all the time when I was like 11 or 12 my username was xrazorlightxxx, amd Razorlight is actually a pretty bad band that I used to liked one song by, but anyway. Everyone called me Razor for short and it's stuck ever since.
Hahahaha you should think about it changing it.
But I'd feel weird being called anything other than Razor on here. )
On this website I used to go on all the time when I was like 11 or 12 my username was xrazorlightxxx, amd Razorlight is actually a pretty bad band that I used to liked one song by, but anyway. Everyone called me Razor for short and it's stuck ever since.
Hahahaha you should think about it changing it.
But I'd feel weird being called anything other than Razor on here. )
Deputy: Metal Police on the Ozzboard
Red Wing = favorite hockey team
13 = favorite number