drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Katia's really hot too, just saying.
No. Man face. And had herpes. Fuck that whore.
Herpes has nothing to do with hotness, over half of the porn industry currently has had some kind of genital herpes, and they're still hot as shit.
I wouldn't say she has a man face either...
standards and pride is a human made up concept.. it doesnt exist in nature.. i just try to dissolve human made up foolishness in my life... maybe one day youll understand what im trying to say
That is so fucking ridiculous. Standards are a made up concept? No, what we call standards are our manifestation of instinct. Pretty much every other multicellular organism has what we call "standards." Many evolved that way. The peacock, the robin, the orangutan, everything evolved through standards.
Bigger breasts are attractive to us because we associate them with motherhood, thinness is generally attractive because we are genetically programmed to want to pass on physical capability as a gene. Saying that standards are made up is like saying attraction is made up.
>Is 40+ years old. >Has no job. (Inb4 I have a job, you help some dumbass nigga sell children's bicycles, you sick ass pedophile.) >Lives in Mom's basement. >Daily life is based around alcohol consumption and acting like a fucking cat online. >Follows and harasses a 16 year old on the Internet that he has an obsession with. >Tells the actual kid to stop acting like a child.
Kill yourself you greasy ass sack of shit. I've literally never seen a more useless life.
I wish my life was as carefree as a cat, and I could lie around basking in the sun all day, licking my arse and pounding all the neighbourhood cats that walked by
I will'd pages 36-38 but I found this hilarious
I wouldn't say she has a man face either... That is so fucking ridiculous. Standards are a made up concept? No, what we call standards are our manifestation of instinct. Pretty much every other multicellular organism has what we call "standards." Many evolved that way. The peacock, the robin, the orangutan, everything evolved through standards.
Bigger breasts are attractive to us because we associate them with motherhood, thinness is generally attractive because we are genetically programmed to want to pass on physical capability as a gene. Saying that standards are made up is like saying attraction is made up.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
>Has no job. (Inb4 I have a job, you help some dumbass nigga sell children's bicycles, you sick ass pedophile.)
>Lives in Mom's basement.
>Daily life is based around alcohol consumption and acting like a fucking cat online.
>Follows and harasses a 16 year old on the Internet that he has an obsession with.
>Tells the actual kid to stop acting like a child.
Kill yourself you greasy ass sack of shit. I've literally never seen a more useless life.
>bang a u turn and run
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)