no, nothing like said get head from a smokin hot tranny that completely looked like a chick if i was drunk and my exact reply was lol idk maybe
yea, its been a boring Saturday i need a pot to stir besides, relatives are fair game after he talked mad shit about my sister
I just need to clarify this untrue statement. I didn't talk madd shit on your sister. When you were acting a fool, I said too bad you cant switch places with your sister, then immediately apologized cause it was wrong. It's nice to see you're making up lies and trying to start drama with me again over nothing though, nice try.
I get along fine with distance, monica, razor, brittz, dayna, leah, and theyre all women. I just don't like you. Now go pick a fight with someone else on the internet. I'm going out with my wife tonight while you sit at home alone lonely trying to argue with people.
no, nothing like said get head from a smokin hot tranny that completely looked like a chick if i was drunk and my exact reply was lol idk maybe
I seem to remember you saying you would take it up the ass, then suck the trannys cock and swallow.
I get along fine with distance, monica, razor, brittz, dayna, leah, and theyre all women. I just don't like you. Now go pick a fight with someone else on the internet. I'm going out with my wife tonight while you sit at home alone lonely trying to argue with people.
Pathetic. -Erik Peterson
both of you need to apologize and move on so me, you, george, britt, and maybe BG can all hang out some time. that'd be the shit!
itll only backfire
>responds and expresses thoughts
you think its time for you to dump alex and move on to a real man aka me?
:-j :-j :-j
sorry alex. had to say it cause i thought it was funny