Yeah, that's where they're from. Some of the members are originally from my area, which explains why they played a show here. This is in my Top 5. I just love the vibe it creates.
also, I fixed that Taurus vid. It's from when I saw them with Agalloch this summer. Pretty weird, cool stuff. If you haven't heard them def check it out. The video in the background compliments the music well too... adds to the "wtf my brain hurts". I was also surprised to see that Taurus is just two chicks...
Been jammin the new Pallbearer lately its fucking awesome.
also, I fixed that Taurus vid. It's from when I saw them with Agalloch this summer. Pretty weird, cool stuff. If you haven't heard them def check it out. The video in the background compliments the music well too... adds to the "wtf my brain hurts". I was also surprised to see that Taurus is just two chicks...