Psychedelia used to have good lyrics tho.. It's a part of the music even if you weren't raised that way.. Look at Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson airplane, the doors and then try and tell me lyrics aren't important ...
Well obviously if a band is gonna come through with some fucking prolific lyrics that's cool and all, but I can honestly say I pay attention to the lyrics in maybe 5% of the metal I listen to. For me, lyrics can only be a plus in most styles of metal. If it's a band with amazing music along with awesome lyrics like Cormorant, the awesome lyrics add another layer to the song, but mediocre lyrics aren't gonna be a deterrent if the riffs are awesome. Lyrics have to be absolutely terrible and very apparent like some christcore/scenecore shit for me to actually hold it against the song.
my denver trip is looking more and more solid by the day. my friend who will be coming with in part said we could stay at his aunts place, which saves us at least a good $100 each.
> stoner metal
We praise bands for pushing the envelope musically instead of staying static, and I dont see why the same shouldnt apply to lyrics.
Been listening to the newest ASG lately. Pretty good stuff
and stoner tours sure like to hit colorado these days.........
And even with legal weed AZ seems to pull more shows than us lol
youve got half a handful of options for fun
most of them involve drugs