I think they might have left due to them promoting slipknot. Either way they have a video on fb with new people so def true. From their fb-Jeff Hatrix I'm gonna say 1 thing and leave it at that. It is counter productive to air ones dirty laundry. Things happened for a reason and that reason is ours. This is not the big news either and once you hear it you will forget this ever happened. Good day.
I would say no. They are in (216) with him so they still play together from time to time. I would say maybe j wanted to come back and they said no would be more likely. I really think it's because Jeff is pushing the knot tour but knot won't really push it so they don't wanna do it.
My guess, Jeffrey Nothing wants a paycheck HARD. He keeps pushing this so hard and the other guys were like "Bro we look like fags, why try this hard" And he's like "FUCK YOU GUYS WE NEED THIS."
MUSHROOMHEAD OFFICIAL From thirteam for all who are Not members... 1. This isn't because of Slipknot. 2. Everything isn't always as it seems. 3. Our Business is just that and lastly 4. Did you ever stop and think maybe the situation is Not legally open to discussion? Excuse us and Thank You. Fuck it 5. We have faced and lived thru what would kill Most Bands. Should we throw in the towel now bc your unhappy? How 'bout No. some of this is a Fucking insult. And Bronson quit. Peace JN
New spin on things. Yes this is a cash grab, but not randomly because he wants money...Because he knew the ship was sinking and wanted to go down with a bang.
New spin on things. Yes this is a cash grab, but not randomly because he wants money...Because he knew the ship was sinking and wanted to go down with a bang.
From what I understand they are trying to do something to bring the old school and new fans together. That's why I think it's either j or something we don't know about. I don't think it's j though now cause he posted about making the tour happen.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Money talks.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
From their fb-Jeff Hatrix I'm gonna say 1 thing and leave it at that. It is counter productive to air ones dirty laundry. Things happened for a reason and that reason is ours. This is not the big news either and once you hear it you will forget this ever happened. Good day.
Pretty obvious somebody is seeing $$ signs, and it isn't Slipknot. And exposure to new people I guess.
From thirteam for all who are Not members...
1. This isn't because of Slipknot. 2. Everything isn't always as it seems. 3. Our Business is just that and lastly 4. Did you ever stop and think maybe the situation is Not legally open to discussion?
Excuse us and Thank You. Fuck it 5. We have faced and lived thru what would kill Most Bands. Should we throw in the towel now bc your unhappy? How 'bout No. some of this is a Fucking insult. And Bronson quit. Peace
If it happened.