Back in January, I preordered the new Terrorizer CD from Season of Mist with my Visa gift card. The amount was deducted and everything was fine. One day, I look and the transaction is crossed off in the gift card account management thing and the money is back in the balance. I assumed it was cancelled by SOM, but I looked and it said everything was fine and the payment went through. I emailed their customer service about this back in January. Never heard back. Since then I've been scared to use the card because I don't want them to randomly charge me for it. Now I've gotten an email that said it would be ready to ship soon, and another that confirmed it was about to ship. The money still hasn't been deducted.
Have I gotten a free CD or are they seriously gonna wait to charge me? The reason I'm led to believe that they fucked up is because the money was initially drawn from my balance before being put back. If they were gonna wait to charge me they wouldn't have done that.....right? They use some stupid third party pay system called World Pay or something....idk

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I'd wait till you get the CD and a few days after that, if there's no charge, then you just got a free CD.
The album was meh anyways
I like the album artwork too much. The CD doesn't have any bad songs, a lot of it just sounds the same. Kinda regret buying it but it's not like I made an investment (and apparently I didn't lose any money)