i remember when i was in my mid teens ozzfest was more or less the end all be all of metal shows for the entire year among me and my friends. i remember when were able to count on it to happen every single year. i even remember when ozzfest used to play at the PNC bank arts center in holmdel, nj twice (back to back days) for several years. you had a choice of going to day one, day 2, or both days.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
lol quote from Jygorn or zaktar zodiac or Doc Caboose or whatever
WOW...Looks Like I've Been Keeping Up With EVERYONE Wayy More Then MOST Board Members! Look, 1st of all...I DON'T LIKE LIARS!!! Don't say that you've NEVER changed your name when you obviously did...ONLY n00bs are trusting enough to actually believe that bull! Ergo... Gnomez = Gnomeshoes (See, Simple!) Mini-me = Crazed_Mini_Marine (Again...Honesty!) Post_Modern_Sadist (Metal_Police, Waco_Jesus...etc) (Basicly...TOO NUMEROUS TO BOTHER MENTIONING ATM!) Ace_Deputy_Cheeze Is In Living in Virtual Bliss On www.mayhemforums.vanillaforums.com (JOIN TODAY!) Lord_Of_Dark_Metal (Might Be Off For A While!) (He's Certainly A Friend Of The Family...NOT ME!) Shattered2Me Is MY Friend on MySpace, We Chat Often! Fee/GraveyardAwaken WAS On HERE In May/June(1st Week) I'm STILL Wondering Whether Mantooth Is Spock??? ChickenFucker Is JagBag (Seen REAL Pix!) They Both Used To Mack Fee On A Daily Basis On The Old Forums! I HAVE SEEN THE SEXECUTIONER ON HERE, Under A NEW Name!
Quote from: JyGoRn_AuKsRyTe on July 11, 2011, 04:41:56 am I guess that Da_wizard, APVG, Middle_Finger, Live_DD/NFD aka ChickenFucker aren't or haven't ever been "Regular" posters then, huh? Well, this wasn't meant/directed torwards them & they can just screw they're own damn selves... Farkaan@$$holz!!!
lol quote from Jygorn or zaktar zodiac or Doc Caboose or whatever
WOW...Looks Like I've Been Keeping Up With EVERYONE Wayy More Then MOST Board Members! Look, 1st of all...I DON'T LIKE LIARS!!! Don't say that you've NEVER changed your name when you obviously did...ONLY n00bs are trusting enough to actually believe that bull! Ergo... Gnomez = Gnomeshoes (See, Simple!) Mini-me = Crazed_Mini_Marine (Again...Honesty!) Post_Modern_Sadist (Metal_Police, Waco_Jesus...etc) (Basicly...TOO NUMEROUS TO BOTHER MENTIONING ATM!) Ace_Deputy_Cheeze Is In Living in Virtual Bliss On www.mayhemforums.vanillaforums.com (JOIN TODAY!) Lord_Of_Dark_Metal (Might Be Off For A While!) (He's Certainly A Friend Of The Family...NOT ME!) Shattered2Me Is MY Friend on MySpace, We Chat Often! Fee/GraveyardAwaken WAS On HERE In May/June(1st Week) I'm STILL Wondering Whether Mantooth Is Spock??? ChickenFucker Is JagBag (Seen REAL Pix!) They Both Used To Mack Fee On A Daily Basis On The Old Forums! I HAVE SEEN THE SEXECUTIONER ON HERE, Under A NEW Name!
I think Nate or someone else sent me a link a long time ago to his blog or somthin that was filled with his ramblings about the Ozzfest board.
WOW...Looks Like I've Been Keeping Up With
EVERYONE Wayy More Then MOST Board Members!
Look, 1st of all...I DON'T LIKE LIARS!!!
Don't say that you've NEVER changed your name
when you obviously did...ONLY n00bs are trusting
enough to actually believe that bull! Ergo...
Gnomez = Gnomeshoes (See, Simple!)
Mini-me = Crazed_Mini_Marine (Again...Honesty!)
Post_Modern_Sadist (Metal_Police, Waco_Jesus...etc)
Ace_Deputy_Cheeze Is In Living in Virtual Bliss On
www.mayhemforums.vanillaforums.com (JOIN TODAY!)
Lord_Of_Dark_Metal (Might Be Off For A While!)
(He's Certainly A Friend Of The Family...NOT ME!)
Shattered2Me Is MY Friend on MySpace, We Chat Often!
Fee/GraveyardAwaken WAS On HERE In May/June(1st Week)
I'm STILL Wondering Whether Mantooth Is Spock???
ChickenFucker Is JagBag (Seen REAL Pix!) They Both
Used To Mack Fee On A Daily Basis On The Old Forums!
I guess that Da_wizard, APVG, Middle_Finger, Live_DD/NFD aka ChickenFucker aren't or haven't ever been "Regular" posters then, huh? Well, this wasn't meant/directed torwards them & they can just screw they're own damn selves... Farkaan@$$holz!!!
im so confused as to who i am now :-?