My ideal valentines that will never happen..doesn't have to be all that's listed either. But it's gotta be a surprise no matter what it is
Black roses Cute ass stuffed animal(s) Chocolates/candy Weed Awesome steak dinner..or bbq..or pizza Personally made card with how you feel (I've gotten this before) Non-expensive jewelry
Meh, I'm not getting anything on V-day, and I'm probably going to end up arguing on who pays for dinner and shit. I honestly don't care. I'm not with someone because I expect them to buy me things.
Besides, my boy is already planning to buy all my food and gas and shit when we go on vacation. I'm still going to try to pay for my own shit though. )
ive known like 20 lesbians personally in my life...they are some of the most obnoxious, drama ridden people ive ever sure there are some nice ones out there but ive only met pyschotic ones that are complete bitchez
I never understood the reason for vday. I would go to dinner and a movie with my x get her something small and her same usually go have drinks and then drunk sex. Great time pretty cheap. I didn't need one day to show her I cared or buy her things I tried to do it every day.
I never understood the reason for vday. I would go to dinner and a movie with my x get her something small and her same usually go have drinks and then drunk sex. Great time pretty cheap. I didn't need one day to show her I cared or buy her things I tried to do it every day.
That's what I think peoplw should do with their significant other. Make them feel appreciated, loved, wanted, ect everyday and give them surprises throughout the whole year. I don't care what anyone says, surprises make anyone smile as long as you didn't go retard and get them something they don't like
The only thing I know I'm getting for Valentine's Day is a Gwar ticket. My boyfriend said he got me two other things buy I have no idea. :-? We're celebrating the Saturday before because he works on V-Day and can't come over or do anything, but I'm going to surprise him and be at his house when he gets home.
Black roses
Cute ass stuffed animal(s)
Awesome steak dinner..or bbq..or pizza
Personally made card with how you feel (I've gotten this before)
Non-expensive jewelry
Besides, my boy is already planning to buy all my food and gas and shit when we go on vacation. I'm still going to try to pay for my own shit though.
me and alex arent having great times right now anyway