’s leap into the dubstep realm, a move made at the risk of alienating old school fans, has not only proved to be an innovative evolution of the band’s sound but also exposed them to a younger generation of EDM fans hungry for new bass-in-the-face dub. In an interview from September 2011 with NME Jonathan Davis explained, “We were dubstep before there was dubstep. Tempos at 140 with half-time drums, huge bassed-out riffs. We used to bring out 120 subwoofers and line them across the whole front of the stage, 60 subs per side. We were all about the bass.”
The roster of Korn’s A-list DJ producers all came out to Palladium in Hollywood December 6 for “The Path of Totality” record release show, including an appearance by Skrillex on guitar. 12th Planet, Flinch, Excision, Noisa, Downlink, Datsik, Kill the Noise, Feed Me and of course Skrillex made up the dubstep producer dream team. In his NME interview, Davis said, “These kids are onto something completely innovative and new. It’s pure and awesome and underground and heavy and different, not like stale-ass metal and rock ‘n roll.”
Despite the enthusiasm from the EDM world, reviews in the mainstream press gravitated between over-the-top praise and unbridled hating. Clearly not everyone from the Rock world was ready for Korn to make this jump, but as guitarist Munky explains in the video the evolution from old to new Korn was more of a slow progression than it may seem. Check out the video also featuring interviews with 12th Planet and Flinch and footage from their mind-blowing record release show in Hollywood- the full concert was shot in 3D and will be out in September.
Korn will also be releasing an official remix record of ‘Narcissistic Cannibal’ featuring Kill the Noise and Skrillex with remixes by Adrian Lux, Dave Aude, J. Rabbit, Andre Giant and Dirty Freqs. Stay tuned for more news on that, and check out a preview of Andre Giant’s official remix below.
Song is about being bullied cause your gay and it's ok to be gay. I guess if you wanted to come out to us this was how you wanted it.
We are here for you Pops >:D<
from the crap i hear on the radio and shit.... i cant stand it JD's voice is needles in my ears.
Yeah, that song is awful. I didn't think they could make anything worse.....then I heard Get Up and Narcissistic Cannibal....
once they got past that, they reached into their pockets and were like "i got nuthin'" and proceeded with rehashing their angst.
that was 1996