from WK: "¬if_t=feed_comment Zombie, FFDP, LoG, Mastodon, Machine Head, CoB, In This Moment, JFAC, Battlecross, Amon Amarth, Behemoth, Butcher Babies, Huntress, Emmure, Motionless In White, Born Of Osiris + a few more for the Sumerian Stage."
my response: "this is different then that lineup you bet me on earlier..."
Who the hell are the Butcher Babies? Sounds like they should be playing basements or bars and not even on a rumored mayhem lineup
I believe they're known as the 'slut metal' band. Basically, really mediocre/generic radio metal with two broads as singers who have their tits hanging out half the time. It's pretty pathetic.