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chris kluwe speaks our language

SATANSATAN Posts: 25,949 spicy boy
edited January 2012 in Off Topic

Leave it to Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe to defend the honor of punters and kickers everywhere.

After Baltimore Ravens kicker Billy Cundiff missed a chance to send the AFC Championship Game into overtime by missing wide left on a 32-yard field-goal attempt with 11 seconds left Sunday afternoon, ESPN morning show commentator Skip Bayless went for the easy score on social media.

Tweeting at @RealSkipBayless, he wrote: "Honestly, I felt sorry for Suggs/Ray/EReed. Fought guts out, lost b/c a nonplayer missed easy kick. WHY I HATE FG KICKING. Ban it!"

Kluwe, never one to shy from — or start — a Twitter war, stood up for his special-teams brethren.

Kluwe, at @ChrisWarcraft, tweeted: "I know what we should ban! Uninformed opinions from (expletive) e-thugs who tear people down to try to generate ratings!"

Kluwe followed shortly after with: "Hey (expletive). Let's not forget you haven't done a single athletic thing in your life. Go french kiss a flamethrower."

Bayless hasn’t responded directly to Kluwe but did support his opinion about "nonplayers" and how field-goal kicking shouldn’t decide games.

Bayless tweeted: "I don't hate kickers, just FG kicking. Silly, gimmicky way to decide games. Gifted warriors battle for 59:30 then nonplayer wins or loses?!"

Kluwe then picked up on Bayless' likely intention to draw attention to himself and his show.

Kluwe: Now it's just blatantly obvious that @RealSkipBayless is trolling. C'mon man. At least TRY to be subtle. #thatwouldrequireintelligence"

And then this: "I mean, how much (expletive) do you have to gargle to be that bad at your job @RealSkipBayless? #thatshowyoutrollsomeone, #icandothisallday"

After a fumble by San Francisco's Kyle Williams on a punt return in the NFC Championship Game eventually led to the New York Giants' game-winning field goal later Sunday, Kluwe was back at it.

"Hey @RealSkipBayless. PUNT RETURNING IS STUPID AND SHOULD NEVER BE IN TEH GAME OMG HEADDESKSMASHRAGEQUIT. #howdoesthatsoundyou(expletive)," Kluwe tweeted.

Kluwe also recalled Bayless commending a special-teams player, specifically then-New England Patriots kicker Adam Vinatieri, who helped win Super Bowl XXXVI with a 48-yard field goal as time expired.

Kluwe tweeted: "I'm confused @RealSkipBayless. After Super Bowl XXXVI, you wrote that Vinatieri should be in the HoF. But now kickers are non-players?" Kluwe then added: "How is Adam going to make it to the Hall of Fame if you abolish his position @RealSkipBayless?! YOUR WORDS MAKE MY BRAIN ASPLODE #factssuck"

Terrell Suggs, Baltimore's All-Pro linebacker, also went back and forth with Bayless last week about his support of maligned Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco. Suggs, who also is active on Twitter, had heard enough of Bayless’ boisterous opinions and went on Bayless’ show to air his comments.

"Skip, be an analyst. Don't be a d*****bag," Suggs said.


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