it might be my shit, a while back some asshole crashed into a telephone pole and my shit was fucked up for a while, but its been working good lately. I'll call the cable company tomorrow and see hoe my connection is. but it might be you too, cuz fukkin my shits been fine for a while. or it just might be the damn xboxlive overloaded or something. cause we played almost 2 quarters and it was fine. we'll try again tomorrow. btw... Giants O-line sucks, and you got lucky as hell with that TD. I hit the button to sack flacco andyou released the ball thus causing my CB to stop running and you were wide open, shit was luck. i hate that shit.... but so far our score is me-14, you 7(luckily) ) ...but check yo connection.
it was the 2nd quarter and you got a fumble on the 1 and a stoopid pick cause my Oline sucks and my shitty TE drops crucial 3rd downs. plaus i was driving. I was winning the other games so suck my dick you faggot hater...
yo, i screamed so loud when my shitty TE dropped that pass, i woke up my wife and she came running out like whats wrong?????
When you returned that fumble I was pissed as hell haha. We'll have to play soon