Because men are constantly on the lookout for something that, if found by another human being, will forever brand them the saddest kind of pervert, somebody designed an iPad case with an integrated Fleshlight holder. For you innocent readers out there, a Fleshlight is a fake vagina. For you not so innocent readers, it's the thing you bought in multiple colors and textures. So yeah, you watch p0rn and pretend you're with the girl in the video or picture or whatever. Now my imagination is pretty good, but there is NO WAY my brain would ever let me pretend I was doing anything but having shameful, depressing sex with a $600 tablet and fake vagina. "I keep it real." My brain, ladies and gentlemen. Also, remind me to never borrow my friend Dave's iPad again. He told me it was a cupholder!

I copied this from facebook headlining included lol.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)