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Stephen Colbert outdoes himself again

ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
edited January 2012 in Off Topic
It didn’t seem possible but Stephen Colbert, the Charleston dandy himself, is about to outdo himself in awesomeness. It was announced last night via BuzzFeed that former presidential candidate Herman Cain will join Colbert for a rally hosted by Colbert’s SuperPAC in South Carolina tomorrow. The rally’s name? “The Rock me like a Herman-Cain: South Cain-olina Primary Rally.”

As long as Herman Cain has been running for president, he’s faced accusations that his entire campaign was just a ruse to sell more books. He peppered his campaign trail with seemingly more book signings than stump speeches, always able to find time to sit down and sign a few copies of his biography. Its title, “This Is Herman Cain!: My Journey to the White House,” was even more suspicious given that no one suspected him of wanting or even really trying to actually win the White House, and his goofy smile seemed to peer a little too knowingly from the dust jacket.

Now the former presidential candidate and full-time motivational speaker and author will let everyone else in on the joke of his political career by joining Colbert at a rally about himself. If Cain were still running or trying to harness this rally for anything other than pure salesmanship, he might seem like a hapless victim, the unknowing butt of Colbert’s giant joke. But he definitely gets the joke. Cain addressed the part of a press release announcing Colbert’s rally that reads, “Together, these two unique voices will declare that they are the same man. Indeed, if you close your eyes and don’t listen, they are hard to tell apart.”

Cain told Fox411, “To be perfectly clear, I will not be assuming Stephen Colbert’s identity. We are very different when it comes to the color of our – hair.” He then added, “Anyone who finds what Mr. Colbert is doing offensive, should simply lighten up.”

Cain isn’t the only guy who’s been suspected of using an illusory presidential run as a ruse to sell books—Newt Gingrich has been stopping to sign a suspicious number of copies of his new novel “The Battle of the Crater,” which he somehow found time to publish and promote in November despite running for president.

By using Herman Cain to expose electoral politics for the absurd pony show it is, you’d think Stephen Colbert would be making Cain look worse than ever. But by being in on the joke, Cain somehow comes across the best he ever has. He’s right—we should lighten up. American politics is peppered with giant helpings of absurdity like Cain’s presidential run, and it’s up to us to recognize it and treat is as such. Thank god we have Stephen Colbert to help translate and put the party back in political parties.


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