Srsly -_- I said that like last page. Also your so called "future doctor" might have been involved in jumping some kids as well. This attack is rumored to be retaliation
Also they're not just gonna say they jumped him for no reason. They realize that they are fucked and are looking to try and save face. I mean the story could be true, but 20-2 seems a little far fetched.
Chicken_Fucker9:06PMLikeSpamAbuse Posts: 10,362 He's asian.....he will be a doctor.
bullshit he'll be one of those greesy fukkerz sittin at a shithole Chinese Resteraunt eatin lomian noodles and hasnt had a shower since pussae had himz [-(
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Easley Wu (818)-381-3829
Raymond Palomino (916)-599-4146 & (773)-893-5231
Todd Ramos (708)-582-4132
Johnny J Li (773)-823-1160
Danny Hui (778)-318-2048
Amy Holly Feng (cameragirl) (773)-376-8681\
lol and these were the guys saying..."nigga" over and over these kids are what erik strives to be
Posts: 10,362
He's asian.....he will be a doctor.
bullshit he'll be one of those greesy fukkerz sittin at a shithole Chinese Resteraunt eatin lomian noodles and hasnt had a shower since pussae had himz [-(
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Asians > other humans!