Favorite female artist - Fiona Apple Favorite car - as long as it runs, I'm good. No head but sex or no sex but head everyday for life? Sex Best concert you've seen? Roger Waters, DSOTM tour Favorite 40s or 50s song - anything blues If you could have dinner with any two people dead or alive who would it be? My grandfather, my wife Favorite drink? water Would you fuck your significant others mom or dad if you would never get caught? No Drug of choice? xanax How many people have you slept with? 13
Quantitative Management (Management science, operations management) uses the application to management of quantitative techniques such as statistics and computer simulations
Trust me, listening to shitty modern rock bands on the radio does not make you open-minded and my refusal to listen to them does not make me close-minded.
Favorite car - as long as it runs, I'm good.
No head but sex or no sex but head everyday for life? Sex
Best concert you've seen? Roger Waters, DSOTM tour
Favorite 40s or 50s song - anything blues
If you could have dinner with any two people dead or alive who would it be? My grandfather, my wife
Favorite drink? water
Would you fuck your significant others mom or dad if you would never get caught? No
Drug of choice? xanax
How many people have you slept with? 13
I can't post that
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Go fuck yourself with a cactus.