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Death metal band saves cats from life on the street

Behemoth24Behemoth24 Posts: 469 salt miner
edited January 2012 in Off Topic
Brett Stevens, Houston Metal Music Examiner
December 28, 2011

Our streets are awash in stray animals. The ASPCA estimates that "approximately 5 million to 7 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year, and approximately 3 million to 4 million are euthanized (60 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats)."

Donald Tardy of death metal band Obituary and his wife, Heather, spend their spare time and most of their "spare" money picking up stray cats off the street and taking care of them. Their charity, the Metal Meowlisha, cares for 20 colonies of feral cats 365 days a year.

They say:

This also involves continually practicing Trap-Neuter-Return and using spay/neuter to control the population of free roaming cats in our area. The ASPCA endorses Trap-Neuter-Return as the ONLY Humane and Effective manner of managing free roaming cat populations, and so do we!

In caring for so many cats on the streets, we find many abandoned cats, especially in the current economy and college area that we are working in. Often they are in need of health care, some need extensive treatment. The MM works with our vet and local clinics to the sick and injured cats we find, and networks with the wonderful rescues and shelter in our city to help find homes for friendly, adoptable cats and kittens.

We strive to provide medical care as needed to sick or injured feral cats so they can be returned to their outdoor homes to live happily and comfortably. The MM embraces a no-kill ideology and strives to treat sick and injured cats without euthanizing cats based on financial considerations or testing positive for infectious diseases.

Especially in winter, when many people go on vacation and "forget" their pets, cats and dogs hit the streets in droves. These animals lose their collars, lose their way and soon are more wandering strays who fall prey to cars, starvation, disease and human cruelty.

You'd rather forget about this, and so would I. But death metal has never run away from the grim truths of life, or the knowledge that we can do something to fix all of these problems. One start is to help out Donald and Heather as they care for stray cats in their area.

For more information, visit the Metal Meowlisha page and consider making a donation or helping to publicize the metal cat salvation crusade. For great justice!

Very heartwarming.


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