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frustratring christmas

SATANSATAN Posts: 25,949 spicy boy
edited December 2011 in Off Topic
my girlfriend's mom is such a failure. she's got this shitty inferiority complex with my parents and tries to compete with them when they couldn't give less of a shit about her. this year for christmas, in another attempt to keep up with my folks, she goes out and blows $200 on a 2002 dell lap top that she got from a pawn shop that came with a virus already installed on it. it's fuckin' irritating because she's a huddle house waitress that lives in government housing who spends the rest of the year forcing me to send money with my girlfriend and son when they visit because she never has food in her house. that's bad enough, but then she doesn't even spend the $200 on something useful. even if i format the lap top, there's not much i'll be able to do with it and the money could've easily been spent on something like a kindle fire. oh, and i'm completely handcuffed on how i react to the gift because on how much she spent. if i say anything negative about it, it makes me seem ungrateful and my girlfriend expects me to wave some magic wand and get the machine working and useful (they think i'm some computer guru. smh)

this is all annoying enough, but the true heart of my issue with her today is that she waited until almost 10 to have dinner ready last night (+ she's an hour behind us due to time zones, so it was actually 11pm my time) and spent the whole night complaining because she wanted to shower before dinner, but wouldn't even though she was encouraged to do so. she has mold in her apartment that she won't do anything about because she's afraid the housing authority will find out her son is living there when he's not supposed to. then...she smoked the whole night, which is unbearable because she lives in an 800 sq ft apartment and we're non-smokers. instead of just not smoking for the small amount of time we were there (it's not like it's, you know, christmas), she left the living room door open and had a fan in the doorway in an attempt to blow the smoke outside. so, not only was is unbearably smokey in the living room, but it was cold as fuck, too.

so today, my son has not been able to enjoy any of his christmas booty because he's been sick all day and it now looks like i might have to lay out of work tomorrow because his fever is at 102 and rising and we're having to monitor him all night. fuckin' bullshit.


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