Last time I saw them was 4 1/2 years ago and it was boring as fuck. An uninspired version of the same set I saw them play 2 years earlier. I wanted my $168 back :-q
Cot damn that's the best part about tool shows....the entire crowd singing like that it's just awesome to be a part of....prettying the whole show is like that ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^
Sorry your an idiot and didn't drive what 2 hours to see tool....I'm sorry that I not a paper fan...I drove 3.5 hours and almost made the 11 hour trip to Minnesota but it was just wrong timing....shit if I would have had my taxes this week I would have probably went to Spokane cause it's around my birthday
And sorry I'm not driving to Detroit for a non headlining show....should have went to the headline though
Plus I had tickets for a gojira show and they canceled =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Gojira > Tool
Now ky