Damn, Neil Peart transitioning into Bill Ward ) It's like all drummers just end up looking the same.
Cool breakdown. I was wondering what the toilet seat drum was when we saw them. It didn't look like a drum pad from the view we had. Didn't look the same in the breakdown either but when I went back to watch a video of our show (damn bootleggers) I could then tell what it was.
Dude on drums looks like Todd and Rex's baby. And if people caught me dressed up like that on video, I wouldn't want cameras at my shows anymore either )
Well yeah im sure i can figure out a way to have it printed. That one came from soneone on etsy who does it. But yeah i dont think it will cost too much. Just think its coll.
@Jobe_Wan_Kenobi and why he uses it
It's like all drummers just end up looking the same.
Cool breakdown. I was wondering what the toilet seat drum was when we saw them. It didn't look like a drum pad from the view we had. Didn't look the same in the breakdown either but when I went back to watch a video of our show (damn bootleggers) I could then tell what it was.
Thats a lateralus sound wave print and i NEED it
>literally does not understand the function of punctuation