Honestly id go in blind but id be severely disappointed if they played the same set and didnt know it was coming. Plus they play a couple tunes at sound check
It was daylight when you woke up in your ditch. You looked up at your sky, then that made blue be your color. You had your knife there with you too. when you stood up there was goo all over your clothes. Your hands were sticky. You wiped them on your grass, so now your color was green. Oh Lord, why did everything always have to keep changing like this. You were already getting nervous again. Your head hurt and it rang when you stood up. Your head was almost empty. It always hurt when you woke up like this. You crawled out of your ditch onto your gravel road and began to walk, waiting for the rest of your mind to come back to you. You can see the car parked far down the road and you walked towards it. "If god is our father," you thought, then Satan must be our cousin." Why didn't anyone else understand these important things? You got to your car and tried all the doors. They were locked. It was a red car and it was new. There was an expensive leather camera case laying on the seat. Out across your field, you could see two tiny people walking by your woods. You began to walk towards them. Now red was your color and, of course, those little people were yours too.
One of the most annoying things about the last minute decision to go see bastille was that it was at mohegan sun in connecticut, the same venue that tool show was at and I'd never been before. it was a great venue and I just thought the whole time about how I could have seen Tool there
Does that make River's Edge for Todd also River's Edge for me?
Hooker With a Penis Play VideoJambi Play Video(-) Ions Play VideoStinkfist Play VideoTicks & Leeches Play VideoPushit Play VideoSchism Play VideoIntension Play VideoForty-Six & 2 Play VideoLateralus Play VideoIntermission Ænema
that would be your rivers edge