that bar we were in was like down an allly, then a flight of stairs and then through this yard i think. Anyways it felt like we were getting wasted in some guys basement with a bar.
after that jake ran to his train but did not make it. Me and todd went to to the liquor store to get some tequila. Ordered some pizza.
Then we proceeded to go see tool and get an uber driver fired and a full refund.
see the best parts of the lou show was the show. But i had more fun in denver than anything. Getting off the train and walking down to coors field was dope. walking up to a shop and having 20 strains stuffed in my face. Smoking a joint across from mile high next to the pespi center checking out the mountains all at the same time was dope too. That was a fun trip.
Usually at a tool show i take a minute out every once and a while to look around at what the people around me are doing to make sure im not the one whos out of control )
after that jake ran to his train but did not make it. Me and todd went to to the liquor store to get some tequila. Ordered some pizza.
Then we proceeded to go see tool and get an uber driver fired and a full refund.
10/10 would do again.
bought the beer tower when i met todds family. I should have made his brother pay for it doe.
Tood also owes me a shirt
yeah dude im a little girl about tool.
Usually at a tool show i take a minute out every once and a while to look around at what the people around me are doing to make sure im not the one whos out of control
we were a few blocks from the train station lmao