So I have some info for you Tool fucks it may already be out there and I haven't read through this thread. It is also odd that this info would be coming from me I know. No I'm not trolling and yes you most likely won't believe me if you haven't found out this info yet.
My coworker and his girlfriend used to do lights for various bands and gave that up because they didn't want to travel anymore. The girlfriend kept in touch with someone that produces music. The girlfriend is also a big Tool fan. So over the weekend the producer included her in a link that was active for a short time to about 20 people to sample he said what he believed was about 6 minutes worth of the new album. He said she commented on how the song(s) felt like an extension of Triad? (I don't know Tool well enough to know what exactly is being talked about and my coworker could be mixing info as he's not big into them so take it with a grain of salt). He also said that his girlfriend mentioned something about this album possibly containing nearly two hours worth of music.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
My coworker and his girlfriend used to do lights for various bands and gave that up because they didn't want to travel anymore. The girlfriend kept in touch with someone that produces music. The girlfriend is also a big Tool fan. So over the weekend the producer included her in a link that was active for a short time to about 20 people to sample he said what he believed was about 6 minutes worth of the new album. He said she commented on how the song(s) felt like an extension of Triad? (I don't know Tool well enough to know what exactly is being talked about and my coworker could be mixing info as he's not big into them so take it with a grain of salt). He also said that his girlfriend mentioned something about this album possibly containing nearly two hours worth of music.
there have have been rumors of all the songs being long. That's dope though.