I got bored one day and looked up some live videos of tool because I heard how amazing it was live. I still don't get how it's so amazing live, I would watch them on a festival but I can't see myself going out of the way for them.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Most of their video suck. Recently more videos are popping up but they enforce a stick no camera policy so it has made it hard to get good quality video.
Obiviosuly phones are are making that harder to enforce.
The sound quality isn't that great on that doe. I listened to it on my surround the other day and it wasn't very good anyways. Headphones it sounds good.
Some guy started singing schism so I finished the lyric and we started talking about seeing them live. This guy said he saw them in 99. On the lateralus tour. Fucking kill yourself.
Obiviosuly phones are are making that harder to enforce.
that stage show indoors>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
its a shame how they messed it up in that video doe. They were on fucking point in st. Louis.
Lets st not play the post tool songs we've seen live.
he looked visibly annoyed at even the prospect of the question.
he did say though " just trust me the album is in the oven, its cooking, and its going to be awesome"
So even he thinks it sounds like pasta.