ill never do addy again, especially now that Im out of school. had a prescription for it for a couple years and it ended up hurting me a bit. id stay focused as hell, but I was super pissy and paranoid all the time, felt like the walls were moving, and lost about 40lbs.
ill never do addy again, especially now that Im out of school. had a prescription for it for a couple years and it ended up hurting me a bit. id stay focused as hell, but I was super pissy and paranoid all the time, felt like the walls were moving, and lost about 40lbs.
mary fucking jane.
I had very similar issues when it was prescribed to me, mainly the pissed part. I would just get irate about trivial shit. It was how I imagined roid rage would be.
@almostgr1m @wizard
mary fucking jane.
its medicinal though.