first of all....that was pretty funny. second, people shouldn't be so "politically correct" in metal. third, why is he even taking offense to it? fourth, he was against the word "faggot" but then continued to use it lol. fifth, he took that way out of context. sixth, it was pretty fuckin' funny lol.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
from Metal Injunction (w a header "ALL THAT REMAINS' Phillip Labonte Is A Homophobic Asshole" All That Remains frontman Phillip Labonte is a very opinionated person, not having any qualms with discussing his political views on social networks, and that's all well and good, but a recent status update (seen above) went too far, in this writer's personal opinion. Labonte posted a photo of himself and the vocalist of Black Veil Brides with the caption "So a radio station has a a "vote for your fave song" kinda thing. Now I'm not commenting on our music at all. LOOK AT THIS FUCKING FAGGOT! Lulz." Now, this pissed me off for three reasons:
I am about to defend Black Veil Brides (sorta), a band that I definitely dislike. Dude, you're 36 years old. You should be above using Lulz, lol, lawlz, lmfao in any context. Whether you accept it or not, you are a role model and using the term "faggot" is unacceptable for somebody of your stature. I'm not trying to be the liberal PC police here, but it's just unnecessary gay-bashing. Also, last time I checked, just because you put on some makeup, it doesn't make you a "faggot" otherwise every black metal band would be a big bad bunch of faggots. Also, back when you were a teenager, I am positive you were a Motley Crue fan. Guess what they wore? So there you have it, I think Phil is a douche. As my friend Vince Neilstien commented, "he should use some of his patented auto-tune to sanitize himself." I'm done now.
The writer of this rant is also a faggot. Shits weak.
lol @ BVB being faggots.
That being said who cares.
first of all....that was pretty funny. second, people shouldn't be so "politically correct" in metal. third, why is he even taking offense to it? fourth, he was against the word "faggot" but then continued to use it lol. fifth, he took that way out of context. sixth, it was pretty fuckin' funny lol.