I only have one same professor, the one that's going to be my thesis adviser, which is the same professor I wrote the above paper for. Mostly different times too.
Samurai Literature and Film Russian Autobiography Advanced Creative Writing Sacred Texts Russian Empire and Literature (the repeat professor)
"For a short time, if one an unhappy person sees everyone around her smiling and cheerful, then she will believe that she is not happy and will temporarily do everything in her power to fake happiness so she can eventually be happy, but this does not actually work when the happiness is mandated by law, propagated by propaganda."
*for a short time, if any an unhappy person* i think that needs to be fixed. and also you used the word "person" in the beginning but then switched to "she" and "her". shouldn't you have used "he or she" instead of just "she"?*
"to allow them to fuse their soldiers together into a two armies that function as one mind"
*together into two armies* you put an "a" in there*
"A person has access to whatever she wants to know about, in addition to having an endless supply of other persons to sift through the information but there is no real work being put forth to obtain said information. With just one click, she can enter another topic"
*again, you started with "person" and then went on with "she"*
"“tossing out all the logic circuits, he replaced them with self-regulating egocentripetal narcissist.”"
*i may be wrong but shouldnt that either be "with A self-regulating" or "narcissists"?*
"Creation need to come through imperfection to be ethically sound"
*creation needS*
"At first, perfect may not seem terrible, but it loses the ability to be called human."
*in the context of that paragraph shouldnt you have used the word "perfection" instead of "perfect"?*
"When personal creativity is trumped upon, revolutions may break out and blood can be shed."
*i think that should say "blood COULD be shed" because you're speaking hypothetically*
"The idea of the perfect produced poet lends to the notion of control."
*could be wrong but shouldnt "perfect" be "perfectly"?*
"If we try to disconnect it, we most likely will be unable to follow through because we will be struck by its beauty*
*shouldnt that say "because we ARE STILL struck by its beauty"?*
"Lem’s temporary solution for is mechanical poet is that"
*mispelled "his"*
"The threat of technology mingling with collective consciousness"
*"with THE collective consciousness" or am i wrong?*
sorry if my corrections are wrong, im no english teacher or anything.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
oh and britt, you seem very well read. the paper was good. was your assignment to compare those writings with the internet or did you choose to do that?
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I only have one same professor, the one that's going to be my thesis adviser, which is the same professor I wrote the above paper for. Mostly different times too.
Samurai Literature and Film Russian Autobiography Advanced Creative Writing Sacred Texts Russian Empire and Literature (the repeat professor)
those classes sound awful. Especially the Sacred Texts. Advance Creative Writing and Samurai Literature and Film both sound interesting.... but Russian?
Damn. I should have posted this paper on here last night before I turned it in. I'll see if I can ask her if I can edit it because I was out of it due to being on meds.
was your assignment to compare those writings with the internet or did you choose to do that?
I only have one same professor, the one that's going to be my thesis adviser, which is the same professor I wrote the above paper for. Mostly different times too.
Samurai Literature and Film Russian Autobiography Advanced Creative Writing Sacred Texts Russian Empire and Literature (the repeat professor)
those classes sound awful. Especially the Sacred Texts. Advance Creative Writing and Samurai Literature and Film both sound interesting.... but Russian?
Damn. I should have posted this paper on here last night before I turned it in. I'll see if I can ask her if I can edit it because I was out of it due to being on meds.
was your assignment to compare those writings with the internet or did you choose to do that?
I chose to compare the text with the internet.
damn, seemed like a very tough comparison. i guess you like a challenge huh? lol. EDIT: oh and you could've thrown in there that perfection is basically in the eye of the beholder. what may be perfect to you, may not be perfect to me. i know you sort of implied this but you could've just out right said that since we are imperfect and that our ideas of what perfect is can differ from person to person the "perfect design" would most likely be perfect in the eyes of the person who built it. and since everyone isn't perfect, the design wouldnt be perfect either cause it was built by an imperfect person. but then again i have no idea what the writings you were referring to were really about so i could just be talkin' outta mah ass LOL.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
^lol. my bad.... I didnt realize you were so into Russian.
I am. I wish I could study Scandinavian, but they said no.
Damn. I should have posted this paper on here last night before I turned it in. I'll see if I can ask her if I can edit it because I was out of it due to being on meds.
was your assignment to compare those writings with the internet or did you choose to do that?
I chose to compare the text with the internet.
damn, seemed like a very tough comparison. i guess you like a challenge huh? lol. oh and you could've thrown in there that perfection is only what people think it is. what may be perfect to you, may not be perfect to me. i know you sort of implied this but you could've just out right said that since we are imperfect and that our ideas of what perfect is can differ from person to person the "perfect design" would most likely be perfect in the eyes of the person who built it. and since everyone isn't perfect, the design wouldnt be perfect either cause it was built by an imperfect person. but then again i have no idea what the writings you were referring to were really about so i could just be talkin' outta mah ass LOL.
I put those corrections in. You were right on quite a few. The one with the "self regulating" thing was a quote, so I couldn't change that.
Also for the notion of perfection, I guess I should have said that it alludes to the Communist model of perfection.
one last thing, "propagated by propaganda" seems out of place cause everything is like all professional and shit cause you're using a variety of words so i think it woulda been better if you swapped out "propagated" for something else.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
I like having the same professor for classes. Especially math.
if you like the prof then it is good.... In this case I think it is good, although this dude has a rep for being a real hard ass.
my next door neighbor is a math genius. he travels around the world teaching math teachers how to teach math. he's got a t-shirt that says, "what part of (the long mathmatical formula for escape velocity) don't you understand?"
Samurai Literature and Film
Russian Autobiography
Advanced Creative Writing
Sacred Texts
Russian Empire and Literature (the repeat professor)
*for a short time, if any an unhappy person* i think that needs to be fixed. and also you used the word "person" in the beginning but then switched to "she" and "her". shouldn't you have used "he or she" instead of just "she"?*
"to allow them to fuse their soldiers together into a two armies that function as one mind"
*together into two armies* you put an "a" in there*
"A person has access to whatever she wants to know about, in addition to having an endless supply of other persons to sift through the information but there is no real work being put forth to obtain said information. With just one click, she can enter another topic"
*again, you started with "person" and then went on with "she"*
"“tossing out all the logic circuits, he replaced them with self-regulating egocentripetal narcissist.”"
*i may be wrong but shouldnt that either be "with A self-regulating" or "narcissists"?*
"Creation need to come through imperfection to be ethically sound"
*creation needS*
"At first, perfect may not seem terrible, but it loses the ability to be called human."
*in the context of that paragraph shouldnt you have used the word "perfection" instead of "perfect"?*
"When personal creativity is trumped upon, revolutions may break out and blood can be shed."
*i think that should say "blood COULD be shed" because you're speaking hypothetically*
"The idea of the perfect produced poet lends to the notion of control."
*could be wrong but shouldnt "perfect" be "perfectly"?*
"If we try to disconnect it, we most likely will be unable to follow through because we will be struck by its beauty*
*shouldnt that say "because we ARE STILL struck by its beauty"?*
"Lem’s temporary solution for is mechanical poet is that"
*mispelled "his"*
"The threat of technology mingling with collective consciousness"
*"with THE collective consciousness" or am i wrong?*
sorry if my corrections are wrong, im no english teacher or anything.
EDIT: oh and you could've thrown in there that perfection is basically in the eye of the beholder. what may be perfect to you, may not be perfect to me. i know you sort of implied this but you could've just out right said that since we are imperfect and that our ideas of what perfect is can differ from person to person the "perfect design" would most likely be perfect in the eyes of the person who built it. and since everyone isn't perfect, the design wouldnt be perfect either cause it was built by an imperfect person. but then again i have no idea what the writings you were referring to were really about so i could just be talkin' outta mah ass LOL.
I put those corrections in. You were right on quite a few. The one with the "self regulating" thing was a quote, so I couldn't change that.
Also for the notion of perfection, I guess I should have said that it alludes to the Communist model of perfection.
And yes, I love a challenge.
No one likes to copy edit my papers for me.
one last thing, "propagated by propaganda" seems out of place cause everything is like all professional and shit cause you're using a variety of words so i think it woulda been better if you swapped out "propagated" for something else.
he's got a t-shirt that says, "what part of (the long mathmatical formula for escape velocity) don't you understand?"