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Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
edited October 2011 in Off Topic
fukkin st00pid Christianz and their fukkin faggotry....

'Jesus Ween'? Pastor Claims it's a Christian Alternative to Halloween

Think Halloween's gotten a little too scary? Try 'Jesus Ween.'

Many think of October 31st is a day to dress however you want. You can be a witch, ghost or ghoul.

"Me and my roomate are gonna be, I think, Luigi and Mario," said Candice Alven of Dallas.
"We are looking for these little groovy go-go boot costumes," said Jennifer Collins, shopping for costumes at Fort Worth's Magic, Etc.

The up-coming holiday has already got Magic, Etc buzzing with activity.

"We don't take [Halloween] as anything bad or serious. We just take it as that one holiday of the year where you just get out and have fun," said Darla Bourland. "It's what you make it. If you choose for it to be bad, it's gonna be bad."

Still, some say the day's a celebration of evil.

"My youngest always says it's just the devil's birthday," said Collins, with a laugh.

That's what inspired … Jesus Ween.

According to the Jesus Ween website, Halloween is a day to "celebrate ungodly images and evil characters." Pastor Paul Ade, who started Jesus Ween, wants that to change.

Because it's so acceptable on Halloween to knock on doors, Ade says Christians should preach to their neighbors. He says they should hand out bibles instead of candy.

"For many Christians, that is the primary point, to spread the word. So, I think you take whatever opportunity you've got," said Nadia Lahutsky, Chair of the Department of Religion at TCU.

"You'll know which families are handing bibles out, by the way, by the dozens and dozens of eggs making their houses into a giant omlette," joked Jimmy Kimmel on a recent Jimmy Kimmel Live.

All joking aside, some shoppers we spoke with agreed.

"Unfortunately, a lot of people don't know Jesus like they should anymore. They don't like to talk about it, which I think is very sad," said Lindsey Massingill.

"So, what's kind of happened, is [Halloween]'s gotten really scary, really gory. So, I don't blame a lot of Christians for wanting to be rid of it," said Lahutsky.

Like many American holidays, Halloween has Pagan and Christian roots, explained Lahutsky.

"It gets melded together. So, Halloween is All Hallows Eve. The day before All Saints Day.

Whatever you decide to celebrate, Lahutsky says, you shouldn't feel guilty about it.

"I don't think Christians need to feel guilty about putting their kids in costumes, whether they're princess costumes or pirate costumes, and sending them to shake down the neighbors for candybars," she said.


blue turbins

From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)



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