Lol the Cincinnati occupiers got arrested last night. Serves them right. The movement is pathetic. They kicked out media from a meeting, tell me what's another part of the first amendment freedom of press? Weren't you guys fighting for another part of the first amendment. Also they have kicked out homeless people because the homeless are using resources. That seems a bit hypocritical. You occupiers are the rich people to homeless people. Why is it okay for you to have means but not a homeless person.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Lol the Cincinnati occupiers got arrested last night. Serves them right. The movement is pathetic. They kicked out media from a meeting, tell me what's another part of the first amendment freedom of press? Weren't you guys fighting for another part of the first amendment. Also they have kicked out homeless people because the homeless are using resources. That seems a bit hypocritical. You occupiers are the rich people to homeless people. Why is it okay for you to have means but not a homeless person.
if you want to look at it the way you do, it's unlikely anyone will ever convince you otherwise. but the idea that people are somehow offended by what is going on is silly to me. you have people protesting corruption in government and a financial structure that is rigged against the majority of americans. why is that bad? also keep in mind that there is a gigantic hit being put on the movement by the corporate-owned media. even cnn is unreasonable about ows. you'd be retarded to think that the 1% won't do everything in their power (which is ample) to make ows look silly, disorganized and hypocritical. no offense dude, but by throwing in against ows, you're just another monkey dancing to their organ grinder.
They are fighting for restructure in social class yet won't allow people below them to join them because they are using resources. Yeah these people are awesome.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
The point in my post was that the people involved in the occupy movement want to be able to use certain rights but try and deny others. I don't agree with that. And I'm happy the Cincinnati people got arrested because they were occupying a park owned by the surrounding businesses that have to pay for up keep and clean it up every day. It says they must be gone by ten pm. The people refused to leave and camped out over the last month and the owners have been more than lenient with the people. But they reached a breaking point.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
They are fighting for restructure in social class yet won't allow people below them to join them because they are using resources. Yeah these people are awesome.
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