I'm going to vote gates just to piss people off. This poll is shit anyway. There are already compitions for fastest on each instrument that is not done by a poll
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Anybody wanna explain why Jimi Hendrix is on there? He's good, but I wouldn't even think of him if somebody told me to name the fastest guitarist out there.
That's what I was wondering... he's fucking amazing, but...wat.
And why the fuck is Brad Paisley on there?! Isn't he that stupid fuck who writes shitty CMT country music?
Anybody wanna explain why Jimi Hendrix is on there? He's good, but I wouldn't even think of him if somebody told me to name the fastest guitarist out there.
That's what I was wondering... he's fucking amazing, but...wat.
And why the fuck is Brad Paisley on there?! Isn't he that stupid fuck who writes shitty CMT country music?
his was one of the names that left me saying "who???"
my bosses wife is Japanese and i'm always tempted to get her to say election, but their religious freaks and probably wouldnt find it nearly as funny as me
out of that list.... Loomis
gay list is still gay
And why the fuck is Brad Paisley on there?! Isn't he that stupid fuck who writes shitty CMT country music?