LOL! That's definitely more probable than encountering feeble humans. We're still stuck on issues like which religion is right. They would be like "FUCK THAT. I'M NOT GOING DOWN THERE WITH THOSE PRIMITIVE SAVAGES!"
Both democrats and republicans are dishonest crooks. whenever a person from either party runs for office they promise the world, but end up following the rest of their party and fucking over midle class america. i would like to vote out every democrat and republican out of office and replace with average joe's. people that know what its like to get a paycheck and have to decide between heating the house or buying food. the assclowns in government have totally lost touch and really need to go. the 2 party system does not work
I never knew this, in the days after 9/11 ron paul offered legislation to hire assassins to go after bin laden. he knows whats up, when times get tough, hire ninja's
i wish i knew what the government knows about aliens IF they know anything at all
Or maybe we would become the aliens. *Inception noise*
I never knew this, in the days after 9/11 ron paul offered legislation to hire assassins to go after bin laden. he knows whats up, when times get tough, hire ninja's