What was up with that stage? I thought they were selling burgers or something over there, I was like damn those nuggas excited for some grub. Christ the bands merch tents were bigger, lol
I have no fucking idea. That whole stage was a fucking joke. You couldn't hear that stage over the Jager Stage's PA when they were playing music while the Sumerian Stage was playing.
You only said drinking. Tailgating doesn't only include drinking. Anywho if I were going to tail gate I get there hours before doors do it then and go when doors open. I'm there for a full day of music.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
So one of my friends that is going with us on friday to our mayhem date said he "forgot" to request this friday off from work and is now having trouble getting it off. Everyone else requested the date off in April when the tickets were ordered. I know for a fact he told me he did.
He kind of implied that we should wait till 3 when he gets out of work to make the hour and a half drive and get there by 4:30 the earliest. When the plan all along was to get there by 12ish. I'm gonna tell him i'll leave him his ticket and he can take is own car there.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
He should just call off instead of trying to request off.
The thing about his job is that hes in charge of this section at his work. And someone who also works in that section requested that day off. So if he doesn't show up that day he leaves them short handed.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Also if we leave at 3 were going to hit a shit load of traffic we probably wouldn't get inside the venue till like 5:30. So i'm really not down for that. I've been looking forward to this for months and so have the other 3 people. The plan has always been get there early, get drunk, smoke weed and listen to music. If we wait for him we would only be able to make the main stage.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
One of my friends nearly had to work that day until 6, he was going to get there on his own just for Slayer and Slipknot. He ended up getting the day off though
He kind of implied that we should wait till 3 when he gets out of work to make the hour and a half drive and get there by 4:30 the earliest. When the plan all along was to get there by 12ish. I'm gonna tell him i'll leave him his ticket and he can take is own car there.
One of my friends nearly had to work that day until 6, he was going to get there on his own just for Slayer and Slipknot. He ended up getting the day off though