I thought Betraying the Martyrs brought the thunder....I was pleasantly surprised.....Whitechapel was killer, but their songs begin to blend together after a bit
Left my house around 11:30 got some chipotle, went to the bank, then headed to the venue. Little did I know epic storms would be in my future again. As I was coming down the hill towards the venue the skies just went black. Warnings were going off like crazy on the radio and within 10 minutes 36 thousand people in the area were without power. They said some places got an inch of rain every five minutes. So I pull into the parking lot and just sit tight thinking the apocalypse is coming. Turns out it just grazed where I was at so it rained for like 2 minutes and that was it. Score for me. I sat in my car until 12:45 and then went to get in the early entry line. The storm had everyone confused as to what to do and they were running behind on letting everyone in. They at one point even tried to say I didn't have a real ticket because they hadn't seen the early bird one from pre sales yet. All was straightened out within a couple minutes then they let everyone in. I walked around for about ten minutes checking everything out. Didn't buy shit. All I did was ask about the lifetime passes for booking the cruise which is lawn tickets unless you upgrade. Then I went to the jag stage. Our venue has the main pavilion and a second one half the size so that's what they use for the jag stage. I got front and center which is where I stayed until main stage.
Slow intentional damage - Never head of them they were meh.
Betraying the martyrs- Better than I had thought they would be. They worked the crowd well. The singer/keyboard player decided to use my shoulder as a step while going out into the crowd. It didn't bother me though.
Whitechapel- I think they are best suited for big outdoor festivals. I saw them on summer slaughter last year and hated it this time I enjoyed them much more. The first big pits opened up for them.
Asking Alexandria- The only band on the tour with a female fronted singer and boy was she annoying. They worked the crowd well and there was obviously a lot of people there for them but I'm sure if there's a picture out there of the crowd you'll see me looking like I'm stuck in hell
The devil wears prada- *facepalm* go away already I hate you don't you get that! They brought some heavy which was more appealing than asking Alexandria yet they still sucked. Crowd enjoyed them. I did not.
Anthrax- Fucking awesome! I'm glad I waited to see them on mayhem. It seemed like their set was over in minutes it was so good and entertaining. I must see them again. Highlight for me is Indians.
Jag stage was running 8 minutes ahead of time so as soon as anthrax finished I booked it to the main stage and made it right as the next band came out.
As I lay dying- Always awesome but I hated them being on main stage. There was no room for moshing in our little pit area so I was forced to just stand there. I think they switched some things up from what they had been playing earlier on the tour they opened withcondemned and then 94 hours. The ready I think was the same they may have removed a song to maybe anodyne sea? I would have to go back to earlier set lists and look.
After them I went to search for food all lines were long so I just took rockstar up on the free drinks. Had three real quick which I think led to me feeling like ass later on.
Motorhead- compared to everything else they seemed rather boring. Nobody was really getting into them and especially not until ace of spades and overkill. I'm glad I got to see them though.
Slayer- In 09 I forgot earplugs. Set sucked for that reason since I was on the barrier it was so loud I couldn't understand what was going on. Not this time though I remembered even with ear plugs it was loud as fuck. Their set kicked ass though I was front and center on the barrier. Where I stayed
Slipknot- the best of the now 5 times I had seen them. They sounded awesome and had a ton of energy. I loved the stage and all the pyro. Sid was in the crowd 3 times. He had the people behind me throw him in the air and at one point he climbed up one of the pillars to the rafters at our venue. I did not enjoy his hugely fat security guard chasing him everywhere seeing as when he came into the crowd he entered where i was at. Awesome set. Would like to see them again. I really enjoyed the snow/foam during gently.
My take homes- Betraying the martyrs pick Whitechapel pick Asking Alexandria pick Anthrax pick Lemmy pick Kerry king pick
Left my house around 11:30 got some chipotle, went to the bank, then headed to the venue. Little did I know epic storms would be in my future again. As I was coming down the hill towards the venue the skies just went black. Warnings were going off like crazy on the radio and within 10 minutes 36 thousand people in the area were without power. They said some places got an inch of rain every five minutes. So I pull into the parking lot and just sit tight thinking the apocalypse is coming. Turns out it just grazed where I was at so it rained for like 2 minutes and that was it. Score for me. I sat in my car until 12:45 and then went to get in the early entry line. The storm had everyone confused as to what to do and they were running behind on letting everyone in. They at one point even tried to say I didn't have a real ticket because they hadn't seen the early bird one from pre sales yet. All was straightened out within a couple minutes then they let everyone in. I walked around for about ten minutes checking everything out. Didn't buy shit. All I did was ask about the lifetime passes for booking the cruise which is lawn tickets unless you upgrade. Then I went to the jag stage. Our venue has the main pavilion and a second one half the size so that's what they use for the jag stage. I got front and center which is where I stayed until main stage.
Slow intentional damage -
Never head of them they were meh.
Betraying the martyrs-
Better than I had thought they would be. They worked the crowd well. The singer/keyboard player decided to use my shoulder as a step while going out into the crowd. It didn't bother me though.
I think they are best suited for big outdoor festivals. I saw them on summer slaughter last year and hated it this time I enjoyed them much more. The first big pits opened up for them.
Asking Alexandria-
The only band on the tour with a female fronted singer and boy was she annoying. They worked the crowd well and there was obviously a lot of people there for them but I'm sure if there's a picture out there of the crowd you'll see me looking like I'm stuck in hell
The devil wears prada-
*facepalm* go away already I hate you don't you get that! They brought some heavy which was more appealing than asking Alexandria yet they still sucked. Crowd enjoyed them. I did not.
Fucking awesome! I'm glad I waited to see them on mayhem. It seemed like their set was over in minutes it was so good and entertaining. I must see them again. Highlight for me is Indians.
Jag stage was running 8 minutes ahead of time so as soon as anthrax finished I booked it to the main stage and made it right as the next band came out.
As I lay dying-
Always awesome but I hated them being on main stage. There was no room for moshing in our little pit area so I was forced to just stand there. I think they switched some things up from what they had been playing earlier on the tour they opened withcondemned and then 94 hours. The ready I think was the same they may have removed a song to maybe anodyne sea? I would have to go back to earlier set lists and look.
After them I went to search for food all lines were long so I just took rockstar up on the free drinks. Had three real quick which I think led to me feeling like ass later on.
compared to everything else they seemed rather boring. Nobody was really getting into them and especially not until ace of spades and overkill. I'm glad I got to see them though.
In 09 I forgot earplugs. Set sucked for that reason since I was on the barrier it was so loud I couldn't understand what was going on. Not this time though I remembered even with ear plugs it was loud as fuck. Their set kicked ass though I was front and center on the barrier. Where I stayed
the best of the now 5 times I had seen them. They sounded awesome and had a ton of energy. I loved the stage and all the pyro. Sid was in the crowd 3 times. He had the people behind me throw him in the air and at one point he climbed up one of the pillars to the rafters at our venue. I did not enjoy his hugely fat security guard chasing him everywhere seeing as when he came into the crowd he entered where i was at. Awesome set. Would like to see them again. I really enjoyed the snow/foam during gently.
My take homes-
Betraying the martyrs pick
Whitechapel pick
Asking Alexandria pick
Anthrax pick
Lemmy pick
Kerry king pick
TLDR version-
Slow intentional damage - 4/10
Betraying the martyrs -6/10
Whitechapel - 7/10
Asking Alexandria - 2/10
The devil wears prada - 3/10
Anthrax - 9/10
As I lay dying - 8/10
Motorhead - 7/10
Slayer - 10/10
Slipknot - 10/10