Motorhead kicks ass live, but i do have an issue with them playing at the comcast center. their sound system sucks for loud bands, so motorhead will sound like shyt
You people complain we don't get enough bands, look what happens...we get bands we'd be better off not having at all.
But I'm going to treat them like they aren't even to me the added bands weren't added at all. I'd like to see an Ozzfest type lineup from 2004 or 05 but those are strictly dreams that will never come true
Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, the world's largest touring heavy music festival experience, has announced the addition of MOTÖRHEAD to the 2012 lineup.
I forgot Slipknot was there. For the longest time yesterday I was trying to remember who the mainstage was, and I forgot about it before I could look it up.
This Motorhead however sucks. Well I should say Lemmy's voice now just isn't good. I can't understand him 90% of the time.