WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited August 2011
slayer :-q
also i need to start listening to death and you seem to like them a lot, wake. What is their best album that you would recommend?
People will typically claim that either Symbolic or Human are the two best albums. If I had to choose between those two albums, I would pick Symbolic. However, my personal favorite is Individual Thought Patterns.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
crystal mountain =best death album
If only they had an album called Crystal Mountain.. Better edit that
I almost hate the song Crystal Mountain. If you mention you like Death then the first thing most people say is "Crystal Mountain" like that one song was Death's only great accomplishment. Pisses me off.
I went and Saw Meshuggah, Cynic, and The Faceless... and all the way during Cynic's set some stupid fuck kept yelling out "Crystal Mountain". I kept scanning the room trying to find this fucker so I could start shit with him.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
What the hell wine? Why are you throwing ITP so far down?
Symbolic Scream Bloody Gore The Sound of Perseverance Human Leprosy Individual Thought Patterns Spiritual Healing ---------------Every album above this line is incredible----------------------------
All of Death's albums were great. Start at the beginning and work your way forward towards the last album they did so you can see the progression and change of their style.
dunno if you've seen this already, but from Bloodbath's fb:
Only two songs, but technically Bloodbath performed for the first time in USA a couple of days ago when Opeth's and Katatonia's North American tour ended. Fun times!
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I went and Saw Meshuggah, Cynic, and The Faceless... and all the way during Cynic's set some stupid fuck kept yelling out "Crystal Mountain". I kept scanning the room trying to find this fucker so I could start shit with him.
Scream Bloody Gore
The Sound of Perseverance
Individual Thought Patterns
Spiritual Healing
Scream Bloody Gore
The Sound of Perseverance
Spiritual Healing
Individual Thought Patterns
Scream Bloody Gore
Spritual Healing
[-( still ITP should be higher. I am usually okay with ITP falling to 3rd or 4th...
Scream Bloody Gore
Individual Thought Patterns
The Sound of Perseverance
Spiritual Healing