it's not like he had much to add to the conversation aside from some random, annoying tyler/wolfgang shit...which was usually followed by some "suck my dick" or "you're a faggot" due to the apathy towards tyler. fuck him.
it's not like he had much to add to the conversation aside from some random, annoying tyler/wolfgang shit...which was usually followed by some "suck my dick" or "you're a faggot" due to the apathy towards tyler. fuck him.
i agree with this, that's pretty much all he talked about anymore, aside from bashing metal on the regular and telling everyone how ignorant they are
who cares about him. He's a spoiled rotten little punk that needs to get out of his bedroom more. He spends 20 hrs a day on the internet, obviously unsupervised, and is only 15. This is the best thing for him.
Fuck you I wont do what you ya tell me.
it's not like he had much to add to the conversation aside from some random, annoying tyler/wolfgang shit...which was usually followed by some "suck my dick" or "you're a faggot" due to the apathy towards tyler. fuck him.
But i'm still unsure if he's being honest about not being the Nola troll.. so meh, whatevs.