nobody will ever want to hear his raps. his white middle class suburbia teenage angst doesn't translate to gangsta rap at all
Well obviously some people like him, but I think he's letting it get to his head. He just assumes he's going to make a career out of rapping, which isn't exactly likely. That'd be like MetalCrusades thinking his band will be the next Metallica or some shit.
nobody will ever want to hear his raps. his white middle class suburbia teenage angst doesn't translate to gangsta rap at all
Well obviously some people like him, but I think he's letting it get to his head. He just assumes he's going to make a career out of rapping, which isn't exactly likely. That'd be like MetalCrusades thinking his band will be the next Metallica or some shit.
At least Crusade's band has been working hard at what they do for like a year or more, not just starting like a month ago.
nobody will ever want to hear his raps. his white middle class suburbia teenage angst doesn't translate to gangsta rap at all
Well obviously some people like him, but I think he's letting it get to his head. He just assumes he's going to make a career out of rapping, which isn't exactly likely. That'd be like MetalCrusades thinking his band will be the next Metallica or some shit.
At least Crusade's band has been working hard at what they do for like a year or more, not just starting like a month ago.
I've been lost in endless seas
My heart died long ago
I curse my failures as I fall from you
Well I see no reason to lift the ban, myself. However, it is a decision for the mods!
I banned him to prevent him from continuing his rape of the forum, their choice now is whether to leave it or remove it, or make it some sort of temp ban.
edit: well vanilla ice but does he even count?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I banned him to prevent him from continuing his rape of the forum, their choice now is whether to leave it or remove it, or make it some sort of temp ban.