Something similar actually happened by my house last year a man went into the house killed 3 people then the neighbor came over to investigate the noise and was killed. We were driving past the house as the guy was being taken into custody. Sad thing is he is out of jail and free already.
I've been lost in endless seas
My heart died long ago
I curse my failures as I fall from you
While I was in school something sort of like this happened. I don't remember the story but some dude just snapped. Went into this house, which I think was his family, killed everyone..cops had the house surrounded but the guy set the house on fire, killed himself and the house pretty much was a loss. All the while being in school...the school flipped out. I was eating lumch and I wasn't even allowed to finish..i only was sitting down for maybe 5 minutes too. Even after my homeroom teacher went into extra bitch mode with cell phones. She was always extra strict with rules but that time was crazy..called the principle in when parents were calling their kids and they were answering. It still pisses me off..
if you ever become a stand up comedian you'll regret not doing that LOL