I've given it another listen, and i still like it. i think its disappointing as an album opener, but maybe in the context of the whole album its a good fit, only time will tell. not too crazy about the chorus, but i love the rest. everyone sounds great musically, i especially love rudess' playing on this song. Petrucci's solo was good, nothing that made my jaw drop. Mangini drummed well, but again it didn't stand out as anything particularly amazing. Glad Myung got a good bass line in here and there. And James sounded great as always. Love the overall epicness with the choir type sounds in the background. overall stoked for this album, yet i kinda hope thats not the actual album pic, black clouds album art was fucking awesome, this seems too bland in comparison.
Had Atlantic records not fucked the band (for systematic chaos they basically said "we're releasing the album, and your on your own" as they did no promotion or released any singles) this is what portnoy would have chosen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S42r7EQ0lmw
overall stoked for this album, yet i kinda hope thats not the actual album pic, black clouds album art was fucking awesome, this seems too bland in comparison.