They also have VR Troopers on their as well. I used to watch all those shows when I was a kid but Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was/still is my all time favorite.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Beetlejuice the cartoon needs to pop up on there sometime. I miss that show
Agreed, I loved that cartoon as well. I've watched old Sonic the Hedgehog episodes, and Super Mario Bros Super show on Netflix, kinda forgot about BeetleJuice but that would be sweet.
hey razor, mc, and jag, there's a show called 'Whisker Wars'.
the sypnosis says:
"Bearding is a sport of growing, grooming and presenting facial hair. With competitors all over the world, Beard Team USA hopes to stage an upset at the World Championship Competition in Norway and bring home the World title."
...late to the party.
My boyfriend and I have been following that show since it premiered! We even went to Lancaster in 2011 for the National Beard and Mustache Competition and we got to meet some of the guys from Whisker Wars. It was so cool.
On another note, I think I'm gonna start the free trial for Netflix later today. I found they have a great selection of silent films and I'm really excited about it. :bz
Man, did I luck out:
My boyfriend and I have been following that show since it premiered!
>insinuating Power Rangers is for anything but.