I listened to log before I listened to bullet so that's weird :-| if you lambed harder you would have seen them more than once before randy went to jail but you obvi didn't so you obvi don't.
Im no judge, but the conflicting "test" results and eyewitness reports coupled with the security guards testimony differing from the initial length of time for an ambulance to come and what happened directly after the supposed incident, there really is little conclusive evidence that points towards finding him guilty but thats just me.
Im no judge, but the conflicting "test" results and eyewitness reports coupled with the security guards testimony differing from the initial length of time for an ambulance to come and what happened directly after the supposed incident, there really is little conclusive evidence that points towards finding him guilty but thats just me.
since when does that matter in a country like that?
The Czech Republic isn't that bad at all, actually. It's pretty shitty how people are quick to dismiss it and consider it this evil place because of how this thing with Randy transpired.
i dont condider it an evil place what i meant by 'country like that' was that it seems their judicial system isnt as fair as ours...if you could call ours fair
The Czech Republic isn't that bad at all, actually. It's pretty shitty how people are quick to dismiss it and consider it this evil place because of how this thing with Randy transpired.
your right people dont know dick about and are just insinuating, but you kinda are too saying its an ok place... the fact of the matter is none of us are familiar with the czech republic justice system and cant say either way
possibly a verdict tomorrow that link doesn't make it sound good :-SS
what i meant by 'country like that' was that it seems their judicial system isnt as fair as ours...if you could call ours fair
The man is free <:-P