Will i find another band who has their own local festival that brings in 400 people?
No, but can you create a band that can make it to that level?
I have been trying to start my own band for 2 years, I can never find anyone who is talented enough to play specific styles, everyone always to do covers, no one ever has their own instruments, i mean i want nothing more than to be able to play progressive metal, but in FL everyone wants to play either death metal or post-hardcore crap.
Will i find another band who has their own local festival that brings in 400 people?
No, but can you create a band that can make it to that level?
I have been trying to start my own band for 2 years, I can never find anyone who is talented enough to play specific styles, everyone always to do covers, no one ever has their own instruments, i mean i want nothing more than to be able to play progressive metal, but in FL everyone wants to play either death metal or post-hardcore crap.
Well find a death metal band and then convince them to bring in a guy with real vocal talent and there you go. Other than that I guess try doing classified ads, plenty of websites are like that for musicians.
I honestly don't want to play death metal, i mean i love death metal, it's fun at times, but nonstop blast beats and dbl bass is boring, i want to do something more along the lines of Symphony X or Mastodon, something fun.
So yeah, me and Matt agreed that the 40 trip there and back between us just wasn't worth it, we only ever practiced once, so i told him i didn't want to be holding them back, so yeah, currently look for a band.