I've learned that most "metalheads" are judgemental assholes
Metal Hammer deleted their FB posts that had the arguments in them so I can't. But basically there was a Laday Gaga interview about her being at Iron Maiden (check the new lady gaga album thread). 98% of the comments were alomg the lines of "someone should have shoved her into the pit, mainstream piece of shit" "if she likes metal so much, why doesn't she stop spewing out that pop garbage" "this is bullshit, she isn't a true metalhead..if you don't look metal, watch metal, read metal and breathe metal then you're a poser"
Those aren't exact quotes but those are the closest ones I remember. Only a few agreed with what I had to say and one comment I liked was pretty much "way to go guys, you just proved gaga wrong by being judgemental elitist assholes"
I've learned that most "metalheads" are judgemental assholes
Metal Hammer deleted their FB posts that had the arguments in them so I can't. But basically there was a Laday Gaga interview about her being at Iron Maiden (check the new lady gaga album thread). 98% of the comments were alomg the lines of "someone should have shoved her into the pit, mainstream piece of shit" "if she likes metal so much, why doesn't she stop spewing out that pop garbage" "this is bullshit, she isn't a true metalhead..if you don't look metal, watch metal, read metal and breathe metal then you're a poser"
Those aren't exact quotes but those are the closest ones I remember. Only a few agreed with what I had to say and one comment I liked was pretty much "way to go guys, you just proved gaga wrong by being judgemental elitist assholes"
Are you surprised? This is the same pathetic community that exiled John Gallagher for liking Rap. I guess Tyler is a poser, because he likes Metal lolz. It's not being a poser, it's being open minded and listening to whatever the fuck you want, which is something the entire Metal community lacks since they're close minded neanderthals. Also, liking a genre doesn't mean you have to play it. I fucking love Hip Hop, but I'd most likely never pursue it as a serious career, even though I like writing and recording flows. My goals are still set on playing Drums in a Metal band.
idk what you 2 (erik and leah) are talking about. pretty much every metalhead i've met in real life were very nice. the internet is a different story. but the internet is full of assholes whether they're metalheads or not.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
But in all seriousness, fans of every genre of music are always going to be judgmental assholes. You've got no idea how many time I've heard "All Metal is, is screaming"
I've learned that most "metalheads" are judgemental assholes
Even though you blew up at me when I said that.<_>
That because the metal community is supposed to be the opposite
Which is exactly what I said. But the modern Metal community has destroyed that. Like I said, OFWGKTA shows more of.what the Metal spirit is supposed to be than any band I can think of, without even trying to do so.
Seriously though, a gas station about 10 minutes from my house, they had the decimal in the wrong spot, so for 28 minutes, people were getting a gallon of gas for 40 cents, we filled up our car obviously
Even though you blew up at me when I said that.<_>