Yeah this song shreds. My dad said back in the day (before file sharing) this track was only on the buffy the vampire slayer movie soundtrack. So he said he bought it just for that song and felt like a complete fag.
They are rumors they might play some pantera songs on the upcoming down/bls tour I'd die a happy man to throw down to Phil singin fucking hostile live once in my life
I've never seen bls so I'm pretty excited I like bls they get more hate than they deserve because of zakk Just because he's an overrated premadonna doesn't mean they're music is garbage...
sounded goooood
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I'd die a happy man to throw down to Phil singin fucking hostile live once in my life
I like bls they get more hate than they deserve because of zakk
Just because he's an overrated premadonna doesn't mean they're music is garbage...
Down playin > down not playn