This forum seems to be filled with "If it isn't popular and I haven't heard it then it must suck." This post proves that.
No. The Jager bands at Mayhem are generally not a good example.
I've evnjoyed the Jager bands at the shows I've been to.
Kingdom of Sorrow in 2008 at Nassau Stemm 2009 mansfield blanking on the name of the band at Hartford 09 but they were decent, didn't watch last years. Too hot. went inside to cool off.
On topic, I'm taking another pal of mine to Mayhem Fest. He's a crazy motherfucker, so this should be fun.
Kingdom of Sorrow in 2008 at Nassau
Stemm 2009 mansfield
blanking on the name of the band at Hartford 09 but they were decent,
didn't watch last years. Too hot. went inside to cool off.