Lol it's just two guys. I'm surprised you actually know them. They're so underground.
There was a guy Stratophony on here who showed them to me a couple years and I dug them. I listened to them a lot for a while, especially The Dark Tower from two years ago. Then I sorta forgot about them.
Lol it's just two guys. I'm surprised you actually know them. They're so underground.
There was a guy Stratophony on here who showed them to me a couple years and I dug them. I listened to them a lot for a while, especially The Dark Tower from two years ago. Then I sorta forgot about them.
That's fucking awesome dude. Those guys deserve more recognition imo. I love their music. I forget how I got into them sadly. My favorite from them are the winter albums.
Part of sampler by Deathwish Inc. Not unlike Neurosis.