The Crypt by King Diamond. I don't get why Abigail II gets so much flac, it's pretty good so far.
because its no Abigail
.... i dont get why "The Puppet Master" gets it though; its a great album with an even better concept
Well none of King's records are close to Abigail. Abigial II sure as hell ain't half as good as Abigail, but it's still a good record. I can't vouch for The Puppet Master because I've yet to listen to it, but I here really good things about it. I guess every one of his albums is going to get shit because he'll never write another Abigail. People need to get out of the past 8-|
Anyway, still listening to the rain and Criminal Minds on TV.
A Mansion In Darkness by King Diamond Brunswick, NJ&showstorms=0&map.x=400&map.y=237&centerx=414&centery=476&lightning=0&smooth0&showlabels=1&rainsnow=0
Listening to Matthew Gray Gubler spout of facts on TV.
Roundtrip to Hell and Back-Children of Bodom
.... i dont get why "The Puppet Master" gets it though; its a great album with an even better concept
Said and Done by Kylesa.