The song? Love it. You listen to the album yet? Honestly I liked it alot. I didn't think it was a mind blowing masterpiece like many early reviews said but I loved that fucking thing. The only song that dragged in length was The Red and the Black for me. Even though almost every other song was like 7+ minutes, they all kept my attention and kept me entertained. My favorites from it were If Eternity Should Fail, Book of Souls, When the River Runs Deep & The Man of Sorrows. And that last song was something else man. Honestly, it didn't need to be 18 minutes (not many songs do) but they did some really really cool shit with it instrumentally wise. Lyrically/vocally it could have been a little better though. Overall though, great album, definitely worth the cash and Its sitting at an 8.5/10 easy.
Still tough to say after only a couple listens but I'm pretty happy with it. It has its excesses but every song is memorable for me. The instrumentals are definitely the stars of this album but Bruce sounds great as well. Favorites right now: Death or Glory, The Red and the Black, the title track.
while this is pretty much the same thing theyve done the past two albums, there seems to be a VERY slight but definitely calmer tone to the guitars. its not as bold, but I like it. dorthias vox are slightly more hushed too.
sick black metal from Iceland. A bit folky but it's flames
while this is pretty much the same thing theyve done the past two albums, there seems to be a VERY slight but definitely calmer tone to the guitars. its not as bold, but I like it. dorthias vox are slightly more hushed too.
fuck they need to break this one out.